Saturday, February 4, 2017

Assignment 1: Personal Sketch

Welcome to class! I’m excited to see what sort of artists we have in class this semester.
Our first project is a personal sketch. This piece is meant to showcase your personal interests or style in art. Help me get to know you better through this!
The sketch will be painted simply using your own custom brush. You will turn in the project as a .jpg into the google drive ‘Droppy> Advanced> Assignment 1: Personal Sketch’ folder by the end of class Thursday.
  •      Turn in your .jpg labelled ‘Lastname_Firstname_personalsketch.jpg’
    • specs: 3000 pixels width, 2000 pixels height, 300dpi resolution
Due: Weds, Feb. 1

Grade Status: Entered

 illustration by: Tiffany Zhang


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This site is designed for OCSA students learning digital illustration. Taught by Ms. Olson

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