We will make a simple, easy to read avatar that can be used as your personal mark. This project is designed to show you technical tools in Photoshop and artistic tools in design and linework. The class will work on each step together, and I will provide written tutorials as I go over this with you in class.
My focus is on your ability to handle the tools and the overall cleanliness of your final piece. Work hard and have fun!
What You Will Turn In
DAY 1: Thumbnailing
- You will submit a thumbnail template with 10-12 thumbnails sketched on a layer beneath. The file will be 'Lastname_Firstname_AvatarThumbnails.jpg'.
- Due: Mon. Feb 6 at the end of class (10pts)
DAY 2: Linework
- You will submit an enlarged version of your favorite thumbnail with refined linework. The file will be 'Lastname_Firstname_AvatarLinework.jpg'
- Due: Mon. Feb 13 at the end of class (10pts)
DAY 3: Flats
- You will submit the flat colored version of your avatar. The file will be 'Lastname_Firstname_AvatarFlats.jpg'
- Due: Mon. Feb 13 at the end of class (10pts)
DAY 4: Final PNG
- You will submit the final colored version of your avatar. The file will be a PNG file NOT a JPG file. It will be named 'Lastname_Firstname_AvatarFinal.png'
- Due: Weds. Feb 15 at the end of class (15pts)
- (final due date subject to change)
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