Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Assignment 3: Movie Poster

Posters. We all enjoy them, and a good movie poster can sometimes get us to go see that movie in a theater.

You guys will be making a NEW movie poster for an already existing film. You will select a film and, using photos and screencaps you can find online, collage and filter them into a movie poster!

Goal: to understand filter, sizing, and layer tools; to look at composition

Day 1: poster thumbnails and photo reference shot collection (6-8)

 Think through what movie you would like to make a poster for and begin looking at screenshots/ screencaps/ youtube videos etc to get inspiration.

For that film, make 6-8 well thought out thumbnails. The drawings can be simple (stick figures) but we are looking at different compositions.

Is it minimalist? Using cutouts and objects to make something new?

Is it a great shot or moment from the film that you focus on?

Is it a collage of heads and faces of the actors?

Is it a mix of both scenes and heads?

As you can see, the same movie can have different posters that are both successful.

 Turn in 6-8 thumbnail ideas for your movie poster (for the same movie). Explore different options and angles.

Day 2: Rough arrangement
- photos cut and cropped and placed properly
- no filters needed yet
Day 3/4: Final Filters/effects



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This site is designed for OCSA students learning digital illustration. Taught by Ms. Olson

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